Monday, February 2, 2009

Back from the Dead

Ok so i left and went to Utah for a week, my first mistake! I left Las Vegas on a beautiful sunny 75 degree afternoon. I arrived a mere 6 hours later in Utah to freezing rain and snow, and inversion whatever that is. So we were trapped inside for approximately 4 days straight. This is not conducive to a healthly group of small children. Needless to say we bolted out of there bright and early on Tuesday and made a dash for home. Upon arriving in our sunny, non snow covered oasis i began to feel the effects of my recent quaratine in the petrie dish of germs that is Utah. So for all of you who have been wondering about my whereabouts this last week i have been painstakingly trying to recover my health and that of my childrens health in our humble abode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i mom i having sooo much fun how are you bye tayolr